The Tack Room

Breyer Model Horse Show
Saturday, July 16th 10am - 2pm
Join us for a fun day filled with raffle prizes, ribbons, and fun!
What is a Model Horse Show?
Model horse halter classes are modeled on real-life horse shows and real-life halter classes. Just as real horses are judged on confirmation and quality, model horses are judged based on anatomy & biomechanics (conformation), breed standards, color, and condition.
Models that are an unrealistic color, such as the Breyer "decorator" colors (Wedgewood, Florentine, charcoal, woodgrain, tie-dye, etc.) do not show in regular halter classes, but in special classes where they are judged mainly on collectability (rarity, age, color, condition).
Note: Just because Breyer issues a model as a certain breed, it does not necessarily mean it is the only breed choice!
written by our Breyer judge Tracey Tariska
Learn more about Breyer Shows here:
All classes awarded ribbons through 5th place.
Grand Prize: $100 gift certificate to The Tack Room
Reserve Grand Prize: $50 gift certificate to The Tack Room
Fun Classes: $20 gift certificate for 1st place and $10 gift certificate for 2nd place!
Open Classes
Eligible for Championship Class & Grand Prize.
1. Foals (all breeds including Stablemates)
2. Gaited Breeds (Tennessee Walkers, Saddlebreds, Rocky Mountain, etc.)
3. Light Breeds (Morgans, Arabians, Cross Breeds)
4. Sport Breeds (Standardbreds, Thoroughbreds, sport horses)
5. Spanish Breeds (including Spanish gaited breeds)
6. Warmbloods
7. Appaloosas
8. Paints
9. Other Stock Breeds (Quarter Horses, Mustangs, etc)
10. Draft Breeds
11. Pony Breeds
12. Minis (all models not Traditional size)
Fun Classes
NOT eligible for Championship Class & Grand Prize.
1. Youth - 10 years and under
2. Performance English (includes tack)
3. Performance Western (includes Tack)
4. Performance Other (includes equipment)
5. Customs, Special Runs, Limited Editions
Pre-Registration required.
Show fees: $5.00/exhibitor